Welcome back to school, and back to the library to all our neighborhood students who've been away. What's up this fall? Homework help every day after school, both in English and Spanish. And our regulars know we are all about helping with math, writing, science fair, and all kinds of school projects and papers.
We have some The Comics Consortium (that's the group of all the artists who participate) has an anthology coming out, put together by awesome instructors / artists Walker Mettling and Andrew Oesch. This will be both the kids' work and work by other artists inspired by their work.
We're adding Cyberkids, super fun computer classes for upper elementary kids, and maybe a hip hop / creative writing/ poetry class. We definitely will have a photography project too.
Chess club has changed to 5:30pm every Thursday with Sam still coaching. And Fridays are still super excellent movie and game day, with great movies that are kid friendly. If you want to see a particular movie, talk to Lyndsy and Sara.
See you soon!