10 November 2010

Dr. Spock wants you to join Chess Club

Chess Club is back, every Thursday afternoon from 4-5:30 pm. ( But not this week; we're closed in honor of Veterans Day.) The usual suspects will be coaching: Sam L and Jorge B, and also continuing their ongoing grudge match.
Nuno and Starlyn are willing to instruct beginners. Join us next Thursday, November 18th, when we will celebrate Chess Club with pizza, which makes everything great.

Upcoming: a visit from Jeff Knight,  the inventor of Plunder Chess, who'll show us an awesome variation of chess, described below:
"Imagine what would happen in a game of chess, if your chessmen could acquire additional moving capabilities as they played? What if your queen could move as a queen or a knight and your pawn could move as a pawn or a bishop? How about escaping check by letting your king move as a rook?"
All ages and skill levels are welcome- come to play, learn to play, or come to watch. We'll see you then!