Washington Park Library, home of some of the best library users on the planet, is celebrating our first formal year as part of Providence Community Library. Our organization just filed our first annual report, and in the lovely Aldermen's Chamber at City Hall - which is worth a visit just to see Bob Dodge's immaculate restoration work.
Washington Park Library used to be a branch of Providence Public Library, but when PPL was about to close 5 branches, concerned citizens stopped it, and several of those citizens went on to become our current board members. To find out more about Providence Community Library, visit our website, or read the Providence Journal articles about our growth as an organization.
So Washington Park Library would like to thank the people who fought to keep us and all of our neighborhood libraries open:
Ellen Schwartz and Patricia Raub, Karen MacAninch, Marcus Mitchell and Linda Kushner, Mark McKenney, Mayor Ciccilline, and every staff member, and many many other people - but no one wants to read a really long list. So most of all, thank you to everyone who uses our libraries, and to all of our neighbors and community partner organizations.